This should be important to know for all who are concerned with humanity and peace in this world, torn apart by strife, hatred and violence. It should be important whether one believes that the Qur’an is the Word of God or not.
To know what the Qur’an says is important because the Qur’an has made a deep and abiding impact on the course of human civilisation and history in many fundamental ways; because it has been inspiring, shaping, governing and directing countless human lives over the ages, since it first appeared fourteen hundred years ago.And it still does.
The Qur’an, among all other books believed to be divine, is the only book which itself claims, and is believed by its followers to be literally the word of God.Those who first heard it from the lips of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) had absolutely no doubt that, through him, God was speaking to them.
It totally transformed them; it quickened their hearts, it reshaped their minds; it made their eyes overflow with tears and their bodies tremble with awe, it changed them into new individuals, as well as a new society with new policies; it led them to be leaders of mankind and founders of a rich and flowing civilisation.
More significantly, what a remarkable testimony it is to the unique power of the Qur’an that, in an age when God has been made irrelevant to human existence and concerns, millions and millions of human beings- as much as one fifth of the human race- still cling tenaciously to the book which they believe with certainty to be the Word of God, as the only blueprint for a bright, progressive, post modern future.
It is still the supreme source of inspiration, guidance and comfort in their spiritual, moral, social and cultural lives, it still influences and shapes their way of thinking and conduct, both private and public, in innumerable ways.To know what it says is therefore not only important for better inter- human understanding and amity, but it may be crucial for the destiny of mankind too.
However, everyone cannot venture to read the whole of the Qur’an, though its length is less than that of the New Testament.
Yet everyone should have the opportunity to taste the delicious fruits in the garden of the Qur’an.
‘All praise be to God alone,
the Lord of all the worlds,
the All-Merciful,
the Ever Mercy-giving,
the Master of the Day of Judgement.
You alone we worship, and You alone we ask for help.
Guide us on the Straight Path,
The path of whom You have blessed, not of those who incur You anger,
Nor of those who go astray.’
(Quran translation - al-Fatihah 1: 1-7)
‘Will they not, then, try to understand this Qur’an?
Had it come from anyone other than God, they would have found in it many an inner contradiction.’(al-Nisa 4:82)
‘Blessed is He in whose hands is the Kingdom- who is powerful over everything- who has created death and life, so that He might test you as to which among you [proves that he] is good in conduct.’(al-Mulk 67: 1-2)
‘Say: The Truth has come from your Lord. Let him who will, believe it, and let him who will, reject it.’(al-Kahf 18: 29)
‘Whosoever chooses to follow guidance, follows it for his own good; whosoever goes astray, goes astray to his own loss.’(al-Isra’ 17: 15)
[And God said to Adam] ‘Get you all down out of it; yet there shall most certainly come to you guidance from Me, and those who follow My guidance need have no fear, and neither shall they grieve.’(al-Baqarah 2: 38)
‘Surely We have sent you [O Muhammad] with the Truth, as a herald of good tidings and a warner, for there were never a people without a warner having come among them.’(al-Fatir 35: 24)
‘We have sent you to the entire mankind to give them good tidings, and warn them; but most people do not understand this.’(Saba’ 34: 28)
‘The Jews say, ‘The Christians have no valid grounds’; the Christians say, ‘The Jews have no valid grounds’; and both quote the Book [of God]. So do those who have no knowledge [of the Book] speak like them. But it is God who will decide between them on the Day of Ressurection about all on which they differ.’
(al-Baqarah 2: 113)
‘Whosoever holds fast to God, he has been guided onto the Straight Path.’(al-Imran 3: 101)‘Say: He is God, the One and Unique;God, the Eternal source and supportOf everything;He begets not, and neither is He begotten;And none is His equal.’(al-Ikhlas 112: 1-4)
‘It is He who accepts repentance from His servants, and pardons bad deeds, and knows all that you do. And He answers those who have faith and do righteous deeds, and gives them- out of His bounty- far more.’(al-Shura 42: 25-6)
‘The true servants of the Most Merciful are those who behave gently and with humility on earth, and whenever the foolish quarrel with them, they reply with [words of] peace.’(al-Furqan 25: 63)
‘Turn not your cheek away from people in scorn and pride, and walk not on earth haughtily; for God does not love anyone who acts proudly and boastfully. Be modest in your bearing and lower your voice; for the ugliest sound is the donkey’s braying.’(Luqman 31: 18-19)
[Successful are the believers]…who are faithful to their trusts and to their promises.’(al-Mu’minun 23:8)
‘And be true to every promise- for, verily you willl be called to account for every promise which you have made.’(al-Isra 17: 34)
‘Indeed, We sent Our messengers with evident truth, and We sent down with them the Book and the balance (of right and wrong), so that people might behave [with each other] with justice.’(al-Hadid 57: 25)
‘Never let your enmity for anyone lead you into the sin of deviating from justice. Always be just: that is closest to being God-fearing.’(al-Ma’idah 5:8)
‘Do you know the one who denies the (Day of) Judgement? It is he who pushes the orphan away, and urges not to feed the needy. Woe, then unto those praying ones, who are heedless of their prayers, who want to be seen and praised, and refuse (to give) even little things in charity.’(al Ma’un 107: 1-7)
‘The recompense for an injury is an injury equal thereto; but if a person forgives and makes peace, his reward rests with God; He loves not those who do wrong.’(al-Shura 42: 40)
‘Good and evil can never be equal. Repel (evil) with that which is better, and see how, then, someone between whom and you was enmity shall become a true friend. Yet none is given such goodness except those who are patient; none is given this but the most fortunate.’(al-Fussilat 41: 34-5)
‘Your Lord has decreed that you shall serve none but Him, and do good to your parents. Should one or both of them reach old age with you, never say ‘Ugh’ to them, nor scold either of them; but speak to them kindly and respectfully, spread over them the wings of humility and mercy, and say, ‘My Lord, have mercy upon them, as they raised me up when I was little.’(al-Isra 17: 23- 4)
‘Women have rights (over against men) equal to the rights (they owe men) – but men have precedence over them.’(al-Baqarah 2: 228)
‘Verily, that which is with God is the best for you, if you but knew it: all that which is with you is bound to end, whereas all that which is with God is everlasting.’(al-Nahl 16: 95-6)
‘The parable of those who spend their wealth in the way of God is that of a grain, out of which grow seven ears, in every ear a hundred grains.’(al-Baqarah 2: 261)
‘The flesh of sacrificial animals does not reach God and neither their blood; but only godliness from you reaches Him.’(al-Hajj 22: 37)
‘And they say, ‘None shall enter Paradise unless he be a Jew or a Christian.’ These are their wishful beliefs. Say, ‘Produce your evidence if what you say is true!’Nay, whosoever surrenders his whole being unto God, and is a doer of good, shall have his reward from his Lord; on them shall be no fear, neither shall they sorrow.’(al-Baqarah 2: 111-12)
Beautiful Islam
Beginning with Adam, the message of Islam ("submission" to the Almighty God) has been propagated throughout time. For example, all of the Prophets mentioned in the Bible are recognized and distinguished in Islam; in fact, Islam is a culmination of the monotheistic religions that came before it. There are many similarities between Islamic practices and the moral practices of other major religions
Educating oneself frees the mind of prejudice and ignorance regarding other cultures and religions. If you are not a Muslim, take some time to learn about the religion of the Muslims, and you too will come to see the beauty of Islam, which is also the fastest growing religion - due to many reasons which I am trying to explain in this blog, through articles by different authors. Enjoy!
Educating oneself frees the mind of prejudice and ignorance regarding other cultures and religions. If you are not a Muslim, take some time to learn about the religion of the Muslims, and you too will come to see the beauty of Islam, which is also the fastest growing religion - due to many reasons which I am trying to explain in this blog, through articles by different authors. Enjoy!