Meaning in English of Verse 256 Ch 2 - Holy Qur'an
(There is no compulsion in religion) no one from among the people of the Book and the Magians should be coerced to believe in the divine Oneness of Allah after the Arabs' embrace of Islam. (The right direction is henceforth distinct from error) faith from disbelief and Truth from falsehood. The following was revealed about Mundhir Ibn Sawi al-Tamimi*: (And he who rejecteth false deities) the command of the devil and the worship of idols (and believeth in Allah) and in what has come forth from Him (hath grasped a firm handhold) has taken in trust “there is no God save Allah” (which will never break) will never cease, vanish or perish; it is also said that this means: for him who believes in it, the bliss of Paradise will never cease and he will never be taken out of Paradise, nor will he perish by staying in the Fire. (Allah is Hearer) of this speech, (Knower) of its reward and bliss.
*7th century The qatar peninsula and surrounding region are ruled by the Al-Mundhir Arabs. Their king AI-Mundhir ibn Sawi al-Tamimi converted to Islam.
Beautiful Islam
Beginning with Adam, the message of Islam ("submission" to the Almighty God) has been propagated throughout time. For example, all of the Prophets mentioned in the Bible are recognized and distinguished in Islam; in fact, Islam is a culmination of the monotheistic religions that came before it. There are many similarities between Islamic practices and the moral practices of other major religions
Educating oneself frees the mind of prejudice and ignorance regarding other cultures and religions. If you are not a Muslim, take some time to learn about the religion of the Muslims, and you too will come to see the beauty of Islam, which is also the fastest growing religion - due to many reasons which I am trying to explain in this blog, through articles by different authors. Enjoy!
Educating oneself frees the mind of prejudice and ignorance regarding other cultures and religions. If you are not a Muslim, take some time to learn about the religion of the Muslims, and you too will come to see the beauty of Islam, which is also the fastest growing religion - due to many reasons which I am trying to explain in this blog, through articles by different authors. Enjoy!